Our concept is based on the principle that removing contaminants at the source avoids the spread of infections. Body fluids are kept within the patient’s environment, and risks of splattering and messes that cause cross-contamination are therefore minimized. Our supports, combined with our Hygienic Covers, all equipped with a super-absorbent pad, have proven effective for many years throughout the world. Our products:
The nurse or attendant empties the patient’s bedpan into the toilet and uses a hand shower to rinse the patient’s toilet. The consequences of this method are considerable:
Used for decades, this method is the basis for C.Difficile outbreaks and other virulent and sometimes fatal pathogens. It is now prohibited in many countries for its inefficiency and dangerousness because of the risks to patients and staff.
The first bedpan washers date back to the 1930s and were designed to clean bedpans. Staff transports contaminated supplies to machines for cleaning and transfer them to other patients. They are still used and marketed today despite major shortcomings:
This method has proven its limits by not completely eliminating pathogens and promoting cross-contamination, not to mention the loss of valuable staff time.
The macerator was the attempt to respond to bedpan washer gaps, with a similar approach based on disposable supplies. The excreta are collected in cardboard supports which will then be brought to the macerators to be crushed. However, the method remains incomplete due to persistent problems:
Frequent problems with machine operation, infrastructure requirements for installation, and the persistence of cross-contamination issues reduce any potential gains from this approach.
Our products are also available for
home care at hygienic.com
Our factory Hygie Industry in Quebec oversees the manufacturing of 90% of the products. Doing business with Hygie guarantees a constant supply without price fluctuations, even during a recession.
Our purpose is to effectively prevent and control healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and help you protect life.
Our approach is based on an in-depth understanding of body-fluid management and we offer innovative alternatives to traditional methods of preventing and controlling healthcare-associated infections.
We therefore develop a range of single-patient products.
Hygie is committed to green production and invests in sustainable development. Using recycled materials, we manufacture recyclable products with no expiry date. Our packaging is also 100% recyclable.
In our institution, all indicators are green for a change in procedure and removal of bedpan washers. Consultation and multidisciplinary analysis lead us to conclude that change-over to a complete system of individual-patient supports and single-use bags with gelling agents is financially, ecologically, ergonomically, and hygienically advantageous, including in terms of patient comfort and task simplification for orderlies.
“One study showed that 23-65% of health professionals had splash exposure incidents [12]. Another study showed that in a 3-month period, 37% of nurses reported an incident of splash exposure … The case-finding of cross-transmission of glycopeptide-resistant enterococci was identified as an environmental source, sanitary facilities, common to several patients […] The protective bags make it easier and more secure to collect, transport and dispose of excreta.“
A remarkable 50% decrease in the incidence of nosocomial infections associated with C. difficile was observed after the adoption of this technique. The overall rate increased from 13.1 in 2012-2013 (104 cases) to 6.4 in 2014-2015 (48 cases) [3]. Savings due to such a decrease have not been measured, but are likely to be real, given the estimated costs associated with C. difficile (coverage and increased length of stay).
“Facilities that disinfect reusable basins and commode pots with an effective method of removing C. difficile spores after each use for the same user are associated with a significant decrease in their incidence rate of 27% compared to those who do not; […] The use of disposable basin supports and basins covered with a hygienic envelope is associated with a significant decrease in their incidence rates of 48%.“
The chart “Incidence of nosocomial acquisition CDAD” shows a fairly striking reduction in the incidence of hospital acquisition CDAD. In fact, the overall incidence rate increased from 8.0 in 2012-2013 to 3.2 in 2014-15, a reduction of more than 50%. […] On the net, without considering the infections avoided, the use of hygiene bags represents for the organization an efficiency gain of $ 40,007.
The recovery of faeces and urine from hospitalized patients is an important issue
for CHUM Centre-ville in attempting to better control the sources of
contamination in a hospital.
The recent report from AETMIS entitled “Analyse comparative des équipements de
traitement des bassines de lit » analyses bedpans from an organisational, economic and environmental perspective. The objective of this report is to guide CHUM Centre-
ville in comparing bedpan washer machines with care bag hygienic covers to manage human disposable wastes.
We have eliminated all pressure guns in residents' washrooms to install Hygie hygienic covers for all users of commodes, bedpans and urinals. For our part, hygienic liners have been the best alternative, both for reasons of infection prevention and budget. Employees are very appreciative of the envelopes because they no longer have to circulate and handle soiled basins, since residents may be contagious before the onset of symptoms. We therefore limit the handling of excreta in the resident's environment. here, the employees clearly told us that they would not want to have to walk to the macerator or the decontaminator with soiled bedpans and that they would simply eliminate the excreta in the toilet to avoid these displacements. Therefore, the other two alternatives were not feasible for the sake of infection prevention (and for other reasons). Each of the residents has their own bedpan, which is cleaned between each use (after removal of the envelope) with a disinfectant wipe.
In my opinion, the company Hygie provides exactly what my hospital needed: a safer method of removing liquids and organic solids. The envelope and bag system is a formidable technique that eliminates the potential dangers of splashing that accompany traditional handling. We bought the Hygie bedpans and commodes very much to our satisfaction - it was easy for nurses, attendants and practitioners to get started. Since we've been using Hygie envelopes, there's been less turnover and fewer complaints from staff. The commode is a safe product that rolls in all directions and has an excellent brake system ... very user-friendly! The training was excellent and flexible to reflect the fact that we are open 24 hours a day. The representative has always been compassionate and attentive. Nurses could tell her about the problems they had with other systems and their concerns were validated. Taking care of the toilet and the hygiene of the patients in a health center is accompanied by many problems. It's really nice to have a product that meets almost all our needs.
I was first introduced to Hygie products when my elderly mother was in a rehabilitation at Stella Maris and developed C. diff I was impressed by their use of the products as a hygienic way of keeping the spread of this highly contagious disease. It protects the patient, family members, and heath care professionals from transmitting it as well. When mom was released from the Stella Maris we tried a competitor’s product, but it did not match up to the quality of Hygie bedpan covers. I now care for my mother, along with nursing help and we could not live without them.
While I was a nurse, I would have enjoyed working with these products! I feel that it would have helped me a lot in my tasks and that I would have been even more effective! Continue to contribute in this way to the improvement of procedures in hospitals. For experiencing this reality, effective and safe products like these are welcome in our hospitals!
With Hygie's hygienic bags, there is a significant reduction in the handling of stools, the cleaning of basins and the risk of C. difficile transmission.
We have set up bedpans and protective bags in our EHPAD (80 residents) which we also use for commode chairs without any problems. We also chose specific urinals and corresponding bags. Our institution is not equipped with bedpan washers, we have no room to even consider this as an option, the routine practice in terms of body fluid management was to get rid of them in toilet bowls of the rooms and was non-compliant (the spray wands had previously been deleted). Already after the 3 weeks of trial all the staff was convinced and satisfied with this new way of working. After the training by the Hygie France salesperson, placing the bag on the support was no longer a problem. We have implemented a systematic decontamination procedure for the support with a UU wiping square and a disinfectant detergent spray after each use, a new bag is put in place immediately. No soiling of the supports by perforation of the bag or by incorrect position is to be deplored. For inventory management we have chosen to buy complete kits and sachets alone, the basin is intended to be dedicated to the resident at least 6 months, we will then assess the resistance of the material and the need for renewal. Ditto for the urinals. In each room there is a sachet roll, a spray and a package of wiping squares to avoid staff coming and going and waiting for the patient. Residents easily agreed to the change of material, except one or two gentlemen compared to the urinal, but after a few days the benchmarks appeared and since more comments or difficulties. We did not find any particular problem with waste management, the space requirement is not as large as one can imagine, the buckets usually used should not have been changed. In conclusion, the staff are delighted with the implementation of these devices, we guarantee good practices. The only downside is the cost to negotiate with financial services starting from practices that cost only the time agent, but the quality approach and the prevention of infectious risk, the protection of staff have weighed sufficiently in favor of the project. We have a reconstruction project in sight, it seems difficult for us to go back on this topic in view of the difficulties encountered with the observance of care practices and the management of basin lavas in health establishments. It's the perfect solution, go ahead. I remain available for further information. Cordially
Several staff members indicated that they really like the new Hygie bag because it prevents the risk of splashing themselves when dumping urine or feces. Some units have started using the Hygie bag on all patients requiring a bedpan, rather than just for specific indications, to prevent passing infections to other patients. In addition, it has reduced the odor in patient care areas associated with frequent handling of stool and bedpans.
Very positive feedback from the teams, no more trips to wash-basins, no more time lost, less smell in the corridors, greater ease of work. Patient very happy because has nominative material, new, that he takes with him when he exits if he wishes. RU very positive to this approach.
I just read the article in the Innovation section of Les Affaires. After literally "camping" at Charles-Lemoyne three times in 2007-2008 to watch over my father and my brother, I can testify that the risk situations described in the article are unfortunately the reality in hospitals. And when you choose to take care of a sick person at home, having access to such products can only help. Bravo and good luck for the future!
We have eliminated all pressure guns in residents' washrooms to install Hygie hygienic covers for all users of commodes, bedpans and urinals. For our part, hygienic liners have been the best alternative, both for reasons of infection prevention and budget. Employees are very appreciative of the envelopes because they no longer have to circulate and handle soiled basins, since residents may be contagious before the onset of symptoms. We therefore limit the handling of excreta in the resident's environment. here, the employees clearly told us that they would not want to have to walk to the macerator or the decontaminator with soiled bedpans and that they would simply eliminate the excreta in the toilet to avoid these displacements. Therefore, the other two alternatives were not feasible for the sake of infection prevention (and for other reasons). Each of the residents has their own bedpan, which is cleaned between each use (after removal of the envelope) with a disinfectant wipe.
In my opinion, the company Hygie provides exactly what my hospital needed: a safer method of removing liquids and organic solids. The envelope and bag system is a formidable technique that eliminates the potential dangers of splashing that accompany traditional handling. We bought the Hygie bedpans and commodes very much to our satisfaction - it was easy for nurses, attendants and practitioners to get started. Since we've been using Hygie envelopes, there's been less turnover and fewer complaints from staff. The commode is a safe product that rolls in all directions and has an excellent brake system ... very user-friendly! The training was excellent and flexible to reflect the fact that we are open 24 hours a day. The representative has always been compassionate and attentive. Nurses could tell her about the problems they had with other systems and their concerns were validated. Taking care of the toilet and the hygiene of the patients in a health center is accompanied by many problems. It's really nice to have a product that meets almost all our needs.
I was first introduced to Hygie products when my elderly mother was in a rehabilitation at Stella Maris and developed C. diff I was impressed by their use of the products as a hygienic way of keeping the spread of this highly contagious disease. It protects the patient, family members, and heath care professionals from transmitting it as well. When mom was released from the Stella Maris we tried a competitor’s product, but it did not match up to the quality of Hygie bedpan covers. I now care for my mother, along with nursing help and we could not live without them.
While I was a nurse, I would have enjoyed working with these products! I feel that it would have helped me a lot in my tasks and that I would have been even more effective! Continue to contribute in this way to the improvement of procedures in hospitals. For experiencing this reality, effective and safe products like these are welcome in our hospitals!
With Hygie's hygienic bags, there is a significant reduction in the handling of stools, the cleaning of basins and the risk of C. difficile transmission.
We have set up bedpans and protective bags in our EHPAD (80 residents) which we also use for commode chairs without any problems. We also chose specific urinals and corresponding bags. Our institution is not equipped with bedpan washers, we have no room to even consider this as an option, the routine practice in terms of body fluid management was to get rid of them in toilet bowls of the rooms and was non-compliant (the spray wands had previously been deleted). Already after the 3 weeks of trial all the staff was convinced and satisfied with this new way of working. After the training by the Hygie France salesperson, placing the bag on the support was no longer a problem. We have implemented a systematic decontamination procedure for the support with a UU wiping square and a disinfectant detergent spray after each use, a new bag is put in place immediately. No soiling of the supports by perforation of the bag or by incorrect position is to be deplored. For inventory management we have chosen to buy complete kits and sachets alone, the basin is intended to be dedicated to the resident at least 6 months, we will then assess the resistance of the material and the need for renewal. Ditto for the urinals. In each room there is a sachet roll, a spray and a package of wiping squares to avoid staff coming and going and waiting for the patient. Residents easily agreed to the change of material, except one or two gentlemen compared to the urinal, but after a few days the benchmarks appeared and since more comments or difficulties. We did not find any particular problem with waste management, the space requirement is not as large as one can imagine, the buckets usually used should not have been changed. In conclusion, the staff are delighted with the implementation of these devices, we guarantee good practices. The only downside is the cost to negotiate with financial services starting from practices that cost only the time agent, but the quality approach and the prevention of infectious risk, the protection of staff have weighed sufficiently in favor of the project. We have a reconstruction project in sight, it seems difficult for us to go back on this topic in view of the difficulties encountered with the observance of care practices and the management of basin lavas in health establishments. It's the perfect solution, go ahead. I remain available for further information. Cordially
Several staff members indicated that they really like the new Hygie bag because it prevents the risk of splashing themselves when dumping urine or feces. Some units have started using the Hygie bag on all patients requiring a bedpan, rather than just for specific indications, to prevent passing infections to other patients. In addition, it has reduced the odor in patient care areas associated with frequent handling of stool and bedpans.
Very positive feedback from the teams, no more trips to wash-basins, no more time lost, less smell in the corridors, greater ease of work. Patient very happy because has nominative material, new, that he takes with him when he exits if he wishes. RU very positive to this approach.
I just read the article in the Innovation section of Les Affaires. After literally "camping" at Charles-Lemoyne three times in 2007-2008 to watch over my father and my brother, I can testify that the risk situations described in the article are unfortunately the reality in hospitals. And when you choose to take care of a sick person at home, having access to such products can only help. Bravo and good luck for the future!